GRANADÍR / Granadiersky pochod / Granadírmarš

This Slovak meal is often served at houses or at school dining rooms. It is also suitable for students, who live in student residence halls, due to the fact it is cheap and very easy to make. Veleslava likes it very much and feels happy that when Filip tasted it for the first time he liked it too. And still loves it! 😉

  • Potatoes 500g
  • Pasta 400g
  • 1 bigger onion
  • Salt 
  • Milled paprika (sweet or spicy)
  • Oil or Butter or Lard (to fry the onion)

1. Peel the potatoes and chop them into squares (the smaller they will be the quicker they will be boiled) and boil them in water.

2. Boil pasta (half of the potatoes amount because pasta increases its volume during cooking) classically in water.

3. Fry chopped onion in oil on a pan and add salt.

4. When the onion is fried, add some milled paprika and mix.

5. Add boiled potatoes and pasta and fry for a short time. Mix all the ingredients to let all the flavors merge together. And we are done! Serve warm.

Granadír is usually served with some sour side dish as pickled vegetables, mostly cucumbers, sauerkraut (see the photo) or a favorite salad. We love it with a fresh sliced cucumber too. Especially during very hot summer days.